2025: Ještědská Odysea

2025: Ještědská Odysea flyer


Čas a prostor tvoří naší realitu a existence má svá neměnná pravidla.

V sobotu 31. května se proto opět uvidíme ve Sportovním areálu Vesec na čtrnáctém ročníku hudebního festivalu Ještědská odysea.

Full info Facebook event.

Prodejce: Ještědská Odysea z. s., Přemyslova 96/11, 460 01 Liberec, IČO 07882696
Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1, 117 21, Czech Republic


Booking options:


Price excluding service fee: 350.00 CZK

Booking for:

Payment type:


Item Quantity Price Fee



Information on the booking processing

Bank transfer

Payment details (account number, variable symbol or reference) you get when submitting the form. We recommend to send payment within 24 hours of booking. Reservations for which payment is not credited to our account within 3 of working days of the reservation will lapse. Bank transfer usually takes one working day. Tickets will be automatically sent via email to the above email address right after receiving payment to our account. Show the tickets on the entry on the day of the event - for example, printed or on the phone screen.

The service fee is collected for the running of the system.

If you have paid and you haven’t received your tickets by email, check your spam folder or contact us at jested@book-tickets.cz.
